2HJ : Recipient of the first Food Industry Mottainai Award, Sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries!
March 18, 2014
Second Harvest Japan was awarded with the Chief of Bureau Award of the first Food Industry Mottainai Award, Sponsored by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries.

Ministry Award (1 organization)
Chief of Bureau Award (5 organizations) ‡ Second Harvest Japan (2HJ)
Chairperson Award (6 organizations)
All organizations receiving awards were of the for-profit industry, with the exception of Second Harvest Japan. We are proud that Second Harvest Japan was recognized among leading companies as an NPO. Recognition was enabled by members of supporting companies, volunteers, institutions, and other stakeholders.

Thank you very much for your support!

(by Rumi Ide, Public Affairs)