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Lecture from 2HJ at the Food Loss Symposium Hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

2HJ’s Rumi Ide gave a lecture on Food Banking at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’s Food Loss Symposium on March 5, 2013.


The symposium was held at Yakult Hall, and there was a full audience.



The full audience demonstrates an interest in reducing food waste.

Rumi Ide explained how much food is wasted in Japan, and how much of that food is considered “food loss.”

She also introduced the financial advantages of food banking by informing the audience about the 5.6 billion yen worth of services that Second Harvest Japan provides to society.

Lastly, she explained about how food banking is good for the environment while also helping to support those in need, as well as the many other advantages.

All of these points bring up the important question, “Why are NPOs the only ones who are working on this problem?”


Food loss is not something that is going to disappear immediately.

Therefore, what are we as a society going to do about it?

Instead of just disposing of food, or even “recycling” it, 2HJ hopes that the government and individuals will choose to support food banks who can “reuse” food, and keep them from being wasted in the first place.

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