September 2023
Food Pantry Partners
・いつも大変お世話になっております。本当にここ最近なんでもかんでも物価が上がってしまい、今まで簡単!に買えた牛乳や、たまごが気軽に買えなくなってしまい、しょっちゅう冷蔵庫に必要な物がない状態が最近は増えました。フードロスに繋がるから返って良かったのかな?と思いつつもやっぱり必要な物位は欲しいとは思っておりパントリーや子ども食堂に対するありがたさを益々感じております。本当にいつもありがとうございます。 (30代 NSさん)
・フードパントリーを参加しました。いつも親切でありがとうございます。子供のお菓子をもらって子供は喜びました。食品ももらってすごく助かりました。私と子供はいつも楽しみにしてます。いつもお世話になってるありがとうございます 。(40代KAさん)
・たくさんの食材をありがとうございます。冷凍品やレトルトなど助かります。美味しかったです。 (40代WFさん)
Comments from Food Pantry User
-Thank you very much for all your help. Milk and eggs, which used to be so easy to buy, are not so easy to buy anymore, and we often find out that there are not enough necessary food in the fridge. I am thinking that it is a good thing because too much food may cause food loss, but I still want some food at least what I need, and I am feeling more and more grateful for the pantry and the children’s cafeteria. Thank you very much for everything. (30s, NS)
-I participated in the food pantry. Thank you for always being so kind. My children were happy to receive snacks for them. It was very helpful to receive food as well. My children and I always look forward to it. Thank you very much for all your help. (40s KA)
-Thank you very much for all the food. The frozen foods and retort pouch foods are very helpful. The food is delicious. (40s WF)